Monday, June 8, 2009

Athletes and their shadows

You need:

  1. plywood plate on A4 size
  2. jigsaw
  3. sandpaper
  4. carbon paper
  5. pencil
  6. strong glue
  7. black construction paper for background
  8. tempera and brushes
Search in a newspaper, magazine or on the Internet for a photo of an athlete in motion. Note that, if you would print the photo in black, you'll see well what the athlete does. Place carbon paper with the black side down on your board. Lay the picture above. Trace the athlete. Press firmly.
Saw the athlete neat and sand the edges smooth. Paint the two parts in the colours you like. Don't forget the edges! Glue your board on a piece of cardboard and paste the sawn-athletes with some space between.
You will see an athlete with his own shadow!

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