Sunday, July 5, 2009

Opart like Vaserely

You need:

  1. white paper
  2. markers
  3. ruler and pencil
  4. charcoal

Show the children works from Victor Vasarely. What do you see? Do you recognize the optical illusion? How did Vasarely make this? Do you see the shapes coming out from the background? What colours and shapes has been used? We call this opart or optical art.
Tell children they are going to make an opart drawing today. Every child becomes a white sheet of paper and starts with outlining one or more round objects like a lid or a dish. Draw curved lines from above to below and from the right to the left.

Draw a grid pattern behind the circle with squares from 1,5 to 1,5 cm. Teach children how to do this, it appeared not to be that easy...:)

When finished, colour the squares in the circle like a checkerboard.
1. Go slow and think first, a mistake is easily made.

2. No two colours should be right next to eachother (side to side)
3. Colours should always be corner to corner with eachother

To accentuate depth, we used a piece of charcoal and drew a shadow around the ball.

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