Thursday, September 24, 2009

Leave collection


You need:

  1. white drawing sheet A4 size

  2. tempera and brushes

  3. metallic pens and fine markers in several colours

Ask students to bring autumn leaves. Talk about the colours and the shape of the leaves, feel the veins and discuss the patterns of the veins.

Children make a composition of autumn leaves, considering variation between large and small leaves and different leaf shapes. The leaves may overlap eachother. To print the leaves, cover the bottoms with undiluted tempera in fall colours. Press the leaves with a book. If you want to make a print over another printed leave (overlap), you have to wait until the former print has dried. This won't take long , because the veins will give just thin prints.

When all prints are ready, the leave collection has to be complemented with drawn leaves. Use fine colour markers, including metallic. Draw the veins close together. Paste the work on a coloured background sheet.

Both artworks are made by students of grade 5

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