You need:
- black construction paper 20 by 12 cm
- coloured construction paper A4 size
- pencil
- ruler
- scissors
- cutter and cutting mat
- glue
This lesson is about lines. What kind of lines do you know? Straight, wavy, curved, bumpy, broken, spiral, zig-zag. Discuss different types of lines and let students draw examples on the blackboard.
Draw with a pencil nine different lines on the black paper with 2 cm between them. Cut the sheet carefully following the lines and place the individual pieces in cut order on the coloured paper.
Draw with a pencil on the left and bottom of the colored sheet lines on 1 cm from the side. Paste the first black strip on the coloured sheet against the drawn lines. Paste the other strips with about a half cm space between them against the pencil line left.
When all stripes are pasted, cut at the top and right the excess coloured paper away leaving a frame of 1 cm.
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