Sunday, February 28, 2010

Easter Island

You need:

  1. drawing paper A4 size
  2. charcoal
  3. black construction paper
Easter Island is a volcanic island in the Great Ocean and belongs to Chile. It has been discovered by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen on Easter Sunday in 1722.
Easter Island is famous for its large statues, the moai. These statues are till 10 m high and made of soft volcanic rock (tuff). The makers were the ancestors of many of the current island inhabitants. The whole island since 1995 on the World Heritage List of UNESCO.

Start this lesson by telling about Easter Island and looking at pictures. Tell about the statues and the meaning of them (Wikipedia).
Ask children to draw their own Easter Island. Show them how to make shadows in their drawing, to give a statue depth.Paste the works on a black background.

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